Thursday 21 January 2010

Thoughts on where to start...

Finally back on UK soil, and happy to be so. The holiday was great, amazing even and I have so many wonderful memories but I knew it had to end sometime and it seems now is a good time. I feel genuinely refreshed and being in London today I was made to remember why I love living here. Although in all honesty the cold is not such a nice homecoming!

Anyhow, I have lots to tell so am trying to work out the best way of doing it. I think to make it succinct, interesting and perhaps useful will be hard but perhaps feasible. (Fingers crossed!)

But I also have lots of other ideas floating around my head, I find I often write posts in my head and forget I never put finger to keyboard and then wonder why the post doesn't exist! So this year I shall aim to put those ideas into words.

And this weekend I shall start with some photos and stories, now to select which photos from the 900 or so we took when away! I promise I shan't bore you with them all.


Color Me Green said...

haha i do that too - thinking up posts and then realizing my readers dont actually know what's going on in my life bc i didnt post it

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Look forward to hearing your ideas and seeing some more holiday pics.

Make Do Style said...

Glad you are enjoying being back in London - it always a pleasure to return to.
Cold! It's warmer now, you missed ice age 4 the return of the frozen Thames and snowbound UK while you were away. Can't wait for pics xxx

little luxury list said...

It is nice to come back home but I do get bummed by the cold weather too.

I'm the same - so many post ideas in my head but somewhat a different story when I have to type it out!