Monday 2 November 2009

Would you want one of these?

Again whilst in Mayfair I caught this rather 'delightful' toilet. It struck me as odd that while someone was on the toilet they might want some porcelain nipples poking in their back. Perhaps this is something about interior design I will never understand... Your thoughts?


meag said...

WOW! That is something. hehehehe.
Some people just have too much money and will spend it on ANYthing.

Krista said...

Hehe ...

I would never spend money on it.

But I do have to admit: I wonder what it'd be like to use it?! :)

anna and the ring said...

Um no?!

Although maybe the nipples are massaging in action?!

Marie said...

Meag - I completely agree!

Krista - It could be fun, although perhaps weird too, I do like the gold seat though!

Anna - If they were that would be amazing, a back massage at the same time as going to the loo. Could work! Maybe this is something you should design :)

the un-bride said...

Ha! Now that I'm scouring every corner for home furnishings, this makes me giggle. There's truly no limit to what people will spend too much money on, is there?

Unknown said...

Hmmn yes wouldn't want to pay money for it but I'd kind of like to pee in it. Not sure a normal toilet would be good enough after that though.