Wednesday 5 May 2010

Vote! Vote like a stoat!

So today is finally polling day for the UK. It feels a long time coming... But this means it's time to exercise our democratic right. So go, go all those who can and cast your vote. Because this could be it for another 5 years...

It will be very interesting to see what comes of the election tomorrow. I am off to an election reception in the evening and we'll see what happens on Friday!


Spare Thoughts said...

We're voting at 7am tomorrow morning we might even be the first at the polling station. Don't have time after work and there is no way I'm missing it.

Anonymous said...

It's election day. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. Can this be a coincidence?

Metropolitan Mum said...

I am so excited. Although I am a foreigner who was only allowed to vote in the local election. Of course I went and made my cross.