Monday 21 September 2009

Weekend Surprise

J came home on Friday night to see me and our friend A. I didn't know he was going to so when he walked into C's front room I was delighted, also being tired and a little run down I almost cried but you know how it is.

We spent a lovely Saturday together, had C&A over for a homemade pizza lunch and then had a little nap in the afternoon. I just love afternoon naps, they do feel so special!

Saturday evening we went to the fancy dress 'T' themed party, me as Tinkerbell (minus the wings, I had no time) and J as Top Gun (well Maverick really, but Top Gun to fit the theme). No photos yet, I forgot to take my camera but hopefully some photos somewhere of my homemade skirt.

Sunday was church, another good bye to J for a few more days and then a lovely dinner with middle sister and her other half. So all in all a good weekend, with the best surprise I could have hoped for in the form of my lovely lovely husband. What fun did you get up to this weekend?


work in new Zealand said...

What a great, fulfilled and fruitful week. I wish you another fruitful week to come.

Furniture movers said...

Have great and fun weeks to everyone.